How I do coaching
sometimes one-on-one is all you need
It's amazing to me, even after all the time I've spent doing this work, how one person can change the whole picture for a group wrestling with conflict. One person who is equipped to listen skillfully, help manage strong feelings, ask the right questions, can make a world of difference.
I do individual and small group coaching for conflict skills/conflict management.
How it works
I start by listening to you and where you are, what you hope to achieve, etc. I ask a lot of questions. We figure out together where you think you're feeling stuck, and we set specific, tangible goals to get you moving. Coaching sessions are 50 minutes. (Longer sessions can be arranged.) Every session concludes with concrete next steps to get you in motion.
I employ the GROW coaching model as a starting framework for the work I do with clients.
how do you know if I'm a good coach for you?
Research shows that any helping relationship (coaching, therapeutic, medical, etc.) works best if there a strong sense of connection between client and helper. The best way to find that out is to have a conversation. That's why I offer a free consultation before we move forward/if you decide to move forward. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you're interested in learning more about my coaching services.